Chapter 47: Seeing Some VBA Examples
Working with Charts
Manipulating charts with VBA can be confusing, mainly because of the large number of
objects involved. To get a feel for working with charts, turn on the macro recorder, create a
chart, and perform some routine chart editing. You may be surprised by the amount of code
that’s generated.
When you understand the way that objects function in a chart, however, you can cre-
ate some useful macros. This section presents a few macros that deal with charts. When
you write macros that manipulate charts, you need to understand some terminology. An
embedded chart on a worksheet is a ChartObject object, and the ChartObject contains
the actual Chart object. A chart on a chart sheet, on the other hand, does not have a
ChartObject container.
It’s often useful to create an object reference to a chart. (See “Simplifying object refer-
ences” later in this chapter.) For example, the following statements declare an object vari-
able (MyChart) and assign the embedded chart named Chart 1 on the active sheet to it:
Dim MyChart As Chart
Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart
The following sections contain examples of macros that work with charts.
These macros are available on this book’s website at
The file is named chart macros.xlsm.
Modifying the chart type
The following example changes the chart type of every embedded chart on the active
sheet. It makes each chart a clustered column chart by adjusting the ChartType property
of the Chart object. A built-in constant, xlColumnClustered, represents a standard col-
umn chart:
Sub ChartType()
Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
For Each ChtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
ChtObj.Chart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
Next ChtObj
End Sub
The preceding example uses a For-Next loop to cycle through all of the ChartObject
objects on the active sheet. Within the loop, the chart type is assigned a new value, mak-
ing it a column chart.
The following macro performs the same function but works on all chart sheets in the active
Sub ChartType2()
Dim Cht As Chart