Excel 2019 Bible

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BeforeClose workbook event, 1000, 1002–1003
BeforeDoubleClick worksheet event, 1003
BeforePrint workbook event, 1000
BeforeRightClick worksheet event, 1003, 1006
BeforeSave workbook event, 1000, 1002
Bin ranges, histograms and, 761
BIN2DEC function, 597
binary values, converting to decimal, 597
bitmap images, 563
blank cells, selecting, 78
blank fields, filling in, 862
Blank Workbook command, 22, 153, 154
Blanks option, Go To Special dialog box, 78
bold, applying, 122
Boolean data type, 1024
Border tab, Format Cells dialog box, 128–130
adding, 128–130
simulating gridlines with, 185
bottom text alignment, 125
BoundColumn property
ComboBox control, 992
ListBox control, 993
box & whisker charts, 484–485
break-even calculations, 338–340
bubble charts, 479, 480
bucketing data into percentiles, 377–379
business calculations. See also financial
break-even, 338–340
CLV (customer lifetime value), 341–342
cost of goods sold, 336
customer churn, 340–341
EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), 335–336
EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation, and amortization),
employee turnover, 342–343
gross profit margin, 333–335
gross profit margin percent, 333–335
ROA (return on assets), 337–338
business intelligence. See Power Pivot
chart customization buttons, 494
simple buttons, 13
spin buttons, 14
split buttons, 13
toggle buttons, 13
Byte data type, 1024

calculated columns
creating, 818–819
formatting, 819–820
hiding from end users, 821–822
overview, 817
referencing in other calculations, 820
calculated measures
creating, 830–832
deleting, 832–833
editing, 832
overview, 829–830
calculator, Formula bar as, 237
calendar quarters, calculating, 286
Camera tool, 560
Capitalize Each Word command, 865
cash flow
future value and, 355
internal rate of return, 358–359
nonperiodic future cash flows, 359–360
positive and negative, 357–358
present value and, 346, 355–357
category axis, 450, 451
for 3-D column charts, 469
for bubble charts, 477
defined, 453
for line charts, 469
category_labels argument, SERIES function, 513
CEILING function, 248
cell dependents, 434–435
cell precedents, 433–435
cell references
absolute references, 221–223, 236
to cells outside the worksheet, 223–225
changing types, 223
invalid, 429
mixed references, 221–223
names, applying, 236
overview, 220–223
in PivotTables, 701–703
Cell Styles command, 143–146
cells. See also ranges
active cells, 7–8
adding text, 608–609
aligning contents, 122–127
blank cells, 425–426
alternative to, 100
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