Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1


TEXTJOIN function
joining columns, 600
joining text strings, 255–256
ThisWorkbook module, 998
tick marks, 505
TIME function, 294
Time number format, 50
time value of money (TVM), 354–356
current, returning, 275–276
custom number formatting, 545–546
elapsed, calculating, 291–292
entering, 272–273
formatting, 273
hour, returning, 290–291
minute, returning, 290–291
rounding time values, 292–293
second, returning, 290–291
time-based category axis, 506–507
time-stamping worksheets, 44
timelines, filtering PivotTables, 700–701
title bar, 5, 7
title case, converting text to, 256, 595–596
chart titles, 497–498
column titles, 183–185
for dashboards, 576
row titles, 183–185
TODAY function, 275–276
toggle buttons, 13
ToggleButton ActiveX control, 996
References, 952
top text alignment, 125
Top/Bottom Rules, 137
total row, 102, 103–104
touch-related commands, 8
Touch/Mouse Mode command, 8
Trace Error command, 427
cell relationships, 433–435
error values, 435
formula error values, 427
trailing minus signs, fixing, 609
Transform tab (Power Query)
Capitalize Each Word, 865
Clean, 867–868
Data Type, 880–881
Extract, 868–869

Group By, 885–886
Pivot Column, 875–876
Trim, 867
TRANSPOSE function
inserting horizontal array into vertical range, 408
transposing arrays, 414–415
Transpose option, Paste Special dialog box, 92–93
treemap charts, 486–487
trendl ines, adding, 517–518
TRIM function
identifying values containing spaces, 426
removing spaces from text, 257–258, 596–597
trimming text, 866–868
Trust Center, 156, 157, 168
Tufte, Edward, 525
TVM (time value of money), 354–356
two-dimensional arrays, 405–406
two-factor analysis of variance, 758
two-sample tests
for means, 766, 767
for variance, 760, 766
TXT files, 581
expor ting to, 610–611
type argument, PV function, 355

UI customizations
importing/exporting, 200
Quick Access toolbar, 195–200
Ribbon, 201–204
underline, applying, 122
Undo command, 17, 18
Unhide dialog box, 58–59
columns, 69
rows, 69
worksheets, 58–59
Unicode characters, 546–550
unlocking cells, 770–772
Unmerge Cells option, Merge & Center control, 126
Unpivot Columns command, 874
Unpivot Other Columns command, 874–875
unpivoting columns, 873–875
Unprotect Sheet command, 770
UPPER function, 256, 595
uppercase, converting text to, 256, 595
URLs, extracting filenames, 601
Use AutoFilter option, Protect Sheet dialog box, 772
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