Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part I: Getting Started with Excel

Enter the text you’re looking for; then click Find All. The dialog box expands to display all
of the cells that match your search criteria. For example, Figure 4.7 shows the dialog box
after Excel has located all cells that contain the text supplies. You can click an item in the
list, and the screen will scroll so that you can view the cell in context. To select all of the
cells in the list, first select any single item in the list. Then press Ctrl+A to select them all.

The Find and Replace dialog box, with its results listed

The Find and Replace dialog box allows you to return to the worksheet without dismissing the dialog box.

The Find and Replace dialog box supports two wildcard characters:

? Matches any single character
* Matches any number of characters

Wildcard characters also work with values when the Match Entire Cell Contents option is
selected. For example, searching for 3* locates all cells that contain a value that begins
with 3. Searching for 1?9 locates all three-digit entries that begin with 1 and end with 9.
Searching for *00 locates values that end with two zeros.
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