Part I: Getting Started with Excel
The Paste icons on the shortcut menu provide more control over how the pasted information
These are standard key combinations used by many other Windows applications.
Using Paste Options Buttons When Inserting and
Some cell and range operations—specifically inserting, pasting, and filling cells by dragging—result in
the display of Paste Options buttons. For example, if you copy a range and then paste it to a different
location using Home ➪ Clipboard ➪ Paste, a drop-down options list appears at the lower right of the
pasted range. Click the list (or press Ctrl), and you see the options shown in the following figure. These
options enable you to specify how the data should be pasted, such as values only or formatting only. In
this case, using the Paste Options buttons is an alternative to using options in the Paste Special dialog
box. (Read more about Paste Special in the upcoming section “Using the Paste Special dialog box.”)