Part I: Getting Started with Excel
This comment contains a graphics image.
An Alternative to Cell Comments
You can make use of Excel’s Data Validation feature (see Chapter 26, “Using Data Validation”) to add
a different type of comment to a cell. This type of comment appears automatically when the cell is
selected. Follow these steps:
- Select the cell that will contain the comment.
- Choose Data ➪ Data Tools ➪ Data Validation. The Data Validation dialog box appears.
- Click the Input Message tab.
- Make sure that the Show Input Message When Cell Is Selected check box is selected.
- Type your comment in the Input Message box.
- (Optional) Type a title in the Title box. This text will appear in bold at the top of the
- Click OK to close the Data Validation dialog box.
After you perform these steps, the message appears when the cell is activated, and it disappears
when any other cell is activated.
Note that this message isn’t a “real” comment. For example, a cell that contains this type of message
doesn’t display a comment indicator, and it’s not affected by any of the commands used to work with
cell comments. In addition, you can’t format these messages in any way, and you can’t print them.
Changing a comment’s shape
Cell comments are rectangular, but they don’t have to be. To change the shape of a cell
comment, make sure that it’s visible (right-click the cell and select Edit Comment). Then