Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 4: Working with Excel Ranges and Tables


Select any cell in the table and choose Table Tools Design ➪ Table Styles. The Ribbon shows
one row of styles, but if you click the More button at the bottom of the scrollbar to the
right, the Table Styles group expands, as shown in Figure 4.28. The styles are grouped into
three categories: Light, Medium, and Dark. Notice that you get a “live” preview as you move
your mouse among the styles. When you see one you like, just click to make it permanent.
And yes, some are really ugly and practically illegible.

To change the default table style for the workbook, right-click the style in the Table Styles group and choose Set As
Default from the shortcut menu. Subsequent tables that you create in that workbook will use that style.

Excel offers many different table styles.
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