Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part I: Getting Started with Excel

Simple formatting can greatly improve the appearance of your worksheet.

In addition, many common formatting commands have keyboard shortcuts.

Using the formatting tools on the Home tab
The Home tab of the Ribbon provides quick access to the most commonly used formatting
options. Start by selecting the cell or range you want to format. Then use the appropriate
tool in the Font, Alignment, or Number group.

Using these tools is intuitive, and the best way to familiarize yourself with them is to
experiment. Enter some data, select some cells, and then click the controls to change the
appearance. Note that some of these controls are actually drop-down lists. Click the small
arrow on the button, and the button expands to display your choices.

Using the Mini toolbar
When you right-click a cell or a range selection, you get a shortcut menu. In addition, the
Mini toolbar appears above or below the shortcut menu. Figure 5.2 shows how this toolbar
looks. The Mini toolbar for cell formatting contains the most commonly used controls from
the Home tab of the Ribbon.
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