Part I: Getting Started with Excel
Figure 5.11 shows an example of data bars. It’s a list of tracks on 39 Bob Dylan albums, with
the length of each track in column D. With data bar conditional formatting applied to col-
umn D, you can tell at a glance which tracks are longer.
The length of the data bars is proportional to the track length in the cell in column D.
The examples in this section are available on this book’s website at
excel2019bible. The workbook is named data bars examples.xlsx.
When you adjust the column width, the bar lengths adjust accordingly. The differences among the bar lengths are
more prominent when the column is wider.
Excel provides quick access to 12 data bar styles via Home ➪ Styles ➪ Conditional
Formatting ➪ Data Bars. For additional choices, click the More Rules option, which displays
the New Formatting Rule dialog box. Use this dialog box to
■ (^) Show the bar only. (Hide the numbers.)
■ (^) Specify Minimum and Maximum values for the scaling.
■ (^) Change the appearance of the bars.