Excel 2019 Bible

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Part I: Getting Started with Excel

Choosing Blank Workbook from Excel’s Start screen

While you’re working in Excel, you can create a new (empty) workbook at any time. Excel
provides two ways to create a new workbook:

■ (^) Choose File ➪ New, which displays a screen that lets you create a blank workbook
or a workbook based on a template. To create a new blank workbook, click Blank
■ (^) Press Ctrl+N. This shortcut is the fastest way to start a new workbook if you’re not
using a template.
Opening an Existing Workbook
Here are some of the ways to open a workbook that’s already been saved:
■ (^) Choose File ➪ Open ➪ Recent and then select the file that you want from the
list on the right. Only the most recently used files are listed. You can specify the
number of files to display (maximum of 50) in the Advanced section of the Excel
Options dialog box.
■ (^) Choose File ➪ Open and choose a location from the list on the left. The locations
will vary depending on which “places” you’ve set up. You may see cloud-based
options. One of the options is always This PC. You can navigate to your files directly
using the list, or you can click Browse to display the Open dialog box, which gives
you many more options.

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