Chapter 6: Understanding Excel Files and Templates
preceding method because the likelihood that both hard drives will fail is remote. If the
entire system is destroyed or stolen, however, you’re out of luck.
Keep a backup copy on a network server This method assumes that your system is con-
nected to a server on which you can write files. This method is fairly safe. If the network
server is located in the same building, however, you’re at risk if the entire building burns
down or is otherwise destroyed.
Keep a backup copy on an Internet backup site Several websites specialize in storing
backup files.
Keep a backup copy on a removable medium This is probably the safest method. Using
a removable medium, such as a USB drive, enables you to physically take the backup to
another location. So if your system (or the entire building) is damaged, your backup copy
remains intact.
Working with Templates
A template is essentially a model that serves as the basis for something else. An Excel tem-
plate is a special type of workbook that’s used as the basis to create other workbooks. This
section discusses some of the templates available from Microsoft, and it describes how to
create your own template files. Creating a template takes some time, but in the long run,
doing so may save you a lot of work.
Exploring Excel templates
The best way to become familiar with Excel template files is to jump in and try a few. Excel
2019 gives you quick access to hundreds of template files.
Examining templates is also a good way to learn about Excel. You may discover some techniques that you can incor-
porate into your own work.
Viewing templates
To explore the Excel templates, choose File ➪ New. The template thumbnails displayed on
the screen that appears are just a small sampling of those that are available. Click one of
the suggested search terms, or enter a descriptive word and search for more.
The searching is done at Microsoft Office Online, so you must be connected to the Internet to search for templates.
For example, enter invoice and click the Search button. Excel displays many thumbnails.
You can narrow the search by using the category filters on the right.
Figure 6.4 shows the results of a template search for invoice.