Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 7: Printing Your Work


If your printed output uses multiple pages, you can select which pages to print by indicat-
ing the number of the first and last pages to print by using Pages controls in the Settings
section. You can either use the spinner controls or type the page numbers in the edit boxes.

Changing page orientation
Page orientation refers to the way output is printed on the page. Choose Page Layout ➪
Page Setup ➪ Orientation ➪ Portrait to print tall pages (the default) or Page Layout ➪ Page
Setup ➪ Orientation ➪ Landscape to print wide pages. Landscape orientation is useful
when you have a wide range that doesn’t fit on a vertically oriented page.

If you change the orientation, the on-screen page breaks adjust automatically to accommo-
date the new paper orientation.

Page orientation settings are also available when you choose File ➪ Print.

Specifying paper size
Choose Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪ Size to specify the paper size you’re using. The paper
size settings are also available when you choose File ➪ Print.

Even though Excel displays a variety of paper sizes, your printer may not be capable of using all of them.

Printing multiple copies of a report
Use the Copies control at the top of the Print tab in Backstage View to specify the number
of copies to print. Just enter the number of copies you want and then click Print.

If you’re printing multiple copies of a report, make sure that the Collated option is selected so that Excel prints the
pages in order for each set of output. If you’re printing only one page, Excel ignores the Collated setting.

Adjusting the page margins
Margins are the unprinted areas along the sides, top, and bottom of a printed page. Excel
provides four “quick margin” settings; you can also specify the exact margin size you
require. All printed pages have the same margins. You can’t specify different margins for
different pages.

In Page Layout view, a ruler is displayed above the column header and to the left of the
row header. Use your mouse to drag the margins in the ruler. Excel adjusts the page display
immediately. Use the horizontal ruler to adjust the left and right margins, and use the ver-
tical ruler to adjust the top and bottom margins.

From the Page Layout ➪ Page Setup ➪ Margins drop-down list, you can select Normal,
Wide, Narrow, or the Last Custom Setting. These options are also available when you choose
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