Part I: Getting Started with Excel
Row and column titles serve pretty much the same purpose on a printout as frozen panes
do in navigating within a worksheet. Keep in mind, however, that these features are inde-
pendent of each other. In other words, freezing panes doesn’t affect the printed output.
See Chapter 3, “Performing Basic Worksheet Operations,” for more information on freezing panes.
Don’t confuse print titles with headers; these are two different concepts. Headers appear at the top of each page and
contain information, such as the worksheet name, date, or page number. Row and column titles describe the data
being printed, such as field names in a database table or list.
You can specify particular rows to repeat at the top of every printed page or particular
columns to repeat at the left of every printed page. To do so, choose Page Layout ➪ Page
Setup ➪ Print Titles. Excel displays the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box, as shown in
F i g u r e 7.5.
Use the Sheet tab of the Page Setup dialog box to specify rows or columns that will appear
on each printed page.