Excel 2019 Bible

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Part I: Getting Started with Excel

■ (^) Use the Quick Access Toolbar tab in the Excel Options dialog box. A quick way
to access this dialog box is to right-click any Ribbon control and choose Customize
Quick Access Toolbar.
The remainder of this section discusses the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel Options
dialog box, as shown in Figure 8.3.
Use the Quick Access Toolbar tab in the Excel Options dialog box to customize the Quick
Access toolbar.
The left side of the dialog box displays a list of Excel commands, and the right side shows
the commands currently on your Quick Access toolbar. Above the command list on the left
is the Choose Commands From drop-down list, from which you can filter the list. Select an
item from the drop-down list, and the list displays only the commands for that item. In
Figure 8.3, the list shows commands in the Popular Commands category.
Some of the items in the drop-down list are as follows:
Popular Commands Displays commands that Excel users commonly use.
Commands Not in the Ribbon Displays a list of commands that you can’t access from the
Ribbon. Many, but not all, are obsolete or not very useful.
All Commands Displays a complete list of Excel commands.

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