Excel 2019 Bible

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Chapter 8: Customizing the Excel User Interface


Macros Displays a list of all available macros.
File Tab Displays the commands available in the Backstage view.
Home Tab Displays all commands available when the Home tab is active.

In addition, the Choose Commands From drop-down list contains an item for every other
tab, including the contextual tabs (for example, the additional tabs that are displayed
when a chart is selected). To add an item to your Quick Access toolbar, select it from the
list on the left and then click Add. The command appears in the list on the right. At the
top of each list is an item called <Separator>. Adding this item to your Quick Access
toolbar results in a vertical bar to help you group commands.

The commands are listed in alphabetical order. Sometimes you need to do some guessing to
find a particular command.

By default, Quick Access toolbar customizations are visible for all documents. You can create a Quick Access toolbar
configuration that’s specific to a particular workbook. In other words, the commands on the Quick Access toolbar
appear only when a particular workbook is active. Start by activating the workbook and then display the Quick Access
Toolbar tab of the Excel Options dialog box. When you add a command to the Quick Access toolbar, use the drop-
down list in the upper right to specify whether the change is for all workbooks or just the active workbook.

When you select Macros from the Choose Commands From drop-down, Excel lists all avail-
able macros. You can attach a macro to a Quick Access toolbar icon so that when you click
the icon, the macro is executed. If you add a macro to your Quick Access toolbar, you can
click the Modify button to change the text and choose a different icon for the macro.

When you finish making your Quick Access toolbar customizations, click OK to close the
Excel Options dialog box. The new icon(s) will appear on the Quick Access toolbar.

The only times you ever need to use the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel Options dialog box is when you want to
add a command that’s not on the Ribbon, add a command that executes a macro, or rearrange the order of the icons.
In all other situations, it’s much easier to locate the command in the Ribbon, right-click the command, and choose
Add to Quick Access Toolbar.

Other Quick Access toolbar actions
Other Quick Access toolbar actions include the following:

Rearranging the Quick Access toolbar icons If you want to change the order of your
Quick Access toolbar icons, you can do so from the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel
Options dialog box. Select the command and then use the Up and Down arrow buttons on
the right to move the icon.
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