Part I: Getting Started with Excel
Removing Quick Access toolbar icons The easiest way to remove an icon from your Quick
Access toolbar is to right-click the icon and choose Remove from Quick Access Toolbar. You
can also use the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel Options dialog box. Just select the
command in the list on the right and click Remove.
Resetting the Quick Access toolbar If you want to return the Quick Access toolbar to its
default state, display the Quick Access Toolbar tab of the Excel Options dialog box and click
the Reset button. Then choose Reset Only Quick Access Toolbar. The Quick Access toolbar
then displays its four default commands.
You can’t undo resetting the Quick Access toolbar.
Sharing User Interface Customizations
In the Excel Options dialog box, the Quick Access Toolbar tab and the Customize Ribbon tab both
have an Import/Export button. You can use this button to save and open files that contain user inter-
face customizations. For example, you might create a new Ribbon tab and want to share it with your
Click the Import/Export button, and you get two options:
Import Customization File You’re prompted to locate the file. Before you load a file, you’re asked
whether you want to replace all existing Ribbon and Quick Access toolbar customizations.
Export All Customizations You’re prompted to provide a filename and location for the file.
The information is stored in a file that has an exportedUI extension.
Unfortunately, importing and exporting are not implemented very well. Excel doesn’t allow you to save
or load only the Quick Access toolbar customizations or only the Ribbon customizations. Both types
of customizations are exported and imported. Therefore, you can’t share your Quick Access toolbar
customizations without also sharing your Ribbon customizations.
Commands on the Quick Access toolbar are assigned numbers for shortcut keys. For example, the shortcut Alt+1 exe-
cutes the first command on the Quick Access toolbar. After the ninth command, the shortcuts change to 09, 08, 07....
After the 18th command, the shortcuts change to 0A, 0B, 0C.... And after Alt+0Z, Excel stops assigning shortcuts.