Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part I: Getting Started with Excel

How to customize the Ribbon
Customizing the Ribbon is done via the Customize Ribbon panel of the Excel Options dialog
box (see Figure 8.4). The quickest way to display this dialog box is to right-click anywhere
on the Ribbon and choose Customize the Ribbon.

The Customize Ribbon tab of the Excel Options dialog box

Creating a new tab
If you’d like to create a new tab, click the New Tab button. Excel creates a tab named New
Tab (Custom) and a new group in the tab named New Group (Custom).

You’ll almost always want to give the tab (and the group) better names. Select the item and
click Rename. Use the Move Up and Move Down arrow buttons on the right to reposition the
new tab, if necessary.

You don’t need to add a new tab just because you want to add new commands to the Ribbon. You can create a new
group for an existing tab.
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