Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 9: Introducing Formulas and Functions


Using names for constants
Many Excel users don’t realize that you can give a name to an item that doesn’t appear in
a cell. For example, if formulas in your worksheet use a sales tax rate, you would probably
insert the tax rate value into a cell and use this cell reference in your formulas. To make
things easier, you would probably also name this cell something similar to SalesTax.

Here’s how to provide a name for a value that doesn’t appear in a cell:

  1. Choose Formulas ➪ Defined Names ➪ Define Name. The New Name dialog box

  2. Enter the name (in this case, SalesTax) into the Name field.

  3. Select a scope in which the name will be valid (either the entire workbook or a
    specific worksheet).

  4. Click the Refers To text box, delete its contents, and replace the old contents
    with a value (such as .075).

  5. (Optional) Use the Comment box to provide a comment about the name.

  6. Click OK to close the New Name dialog box and create the name.

You just created a name that refers to a constant rather than a cell or range. Now if you
type =SalesTax into a cell that’s within the scope of the name, this simple formula
returns 0.075—the constant that you defined. You can also use this constant in a formula,
such as =A1*SalesTax.

A constant also can be text. For example, you can define a constant for your company’s name.

Named constants don’t appear in the Name box or in the Go To dialog box. This makes sense because these con-
stants don’t reside anywhere tangible. They do appear in the drop-down list that’s displayed when you enter a for-
mula. This is handy because you use these names in formulas.

Using names for formulas
In addition to creating named constants, you can create named formulas. Like a named
constant, a named formula doesn’t reside in a cell.

You create named formulas the same way that you create named constants—by using the
New Name dialog box. For example, you might create a named formula that calculates the
monthly interest rate from an annual rate; Figure 9.13 shows an example. In this case, the
name MonthlyRate refers to the following formula:
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