Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1




Using Formulas to Manipulate

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Seeing how Excel handles text entered into cells
Exploring Excel worksheet functions that handle text
Getting examples of advanced text formulas


ftentimes, the work you do with Excel not only involves calculating numbers but also
includes transforming and shaping data to fit your data models. Many of these activities
include manipulating text strings. This chapter will highlight some of the common text
transformation exercises an Excel analyst performs and in the process give you a sense of some of
the text-based functions that Excel has to offer.

Working with Text

When you enter data into a cell, Excel immediately goes to work and determines whether you’re
entering a formula, a number (including a date or time), or anything else. That “anything else” is
considered text.

You may hear the term string used instead of text. You can use these terms interchangeably. Sometimes they even
appear together, as in text string.

A single cell can hold up to 32,000 characters—more than the number of characters in this chapter.

But Excel is not a word processor, and there’s no reason why anyone would need to come even close
to that number of characters in a cell.

If you need to display lots of text in a worksheet, consider using a text box. Choose Insert ➪ Text
➪ Text Box, click the worksheet to create the text box, and then start typing. Working with large
amounts of text in a text box is easier than editing cells. In addition, you can easily move, resize,
or change the dimensions of a text box. However, if you need to work with the text using formulas
and functions, the text must reside in cells.

Excel® 2019 Bible, First Edition. Michael Alexander, Dick Kusleika and John Walkenbach.
© 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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