Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part II: Working with Formulas and Functions

FIGURE 17.12
Configure the New Formatting Rule dialog box to apply the needed formula rule.

  1. In the list box at the top of the dialog box, click the option called Use a for-
    mula to determine which cells to format. This selection evaluates values based on
    a formula you specify. If a particular value evaluates to true, then the conditional
    formatting is applied to that cell.

  2. In the formula input box, enter the formula shown here. Note we’re using the
    AND function to compare the date in our target cell (E3) to both the start and end
    dates found in cells $B$3 and $C$3, respectively. If the target cell falls within the
    start and end dates, the formula will evaluate to TRUE, thus triggering the condi-
    tional formatting.

  3. Click the Format button and choose your desired formatting. This will open the
    Format Cells dialog box, where you’ll have a full set of options for formatting the
    font, border, and fill for your target cell.

  4. Click the OK button once you’ve completed choosing your formatting options.

  5. Click the OK button twice to confirm your formatting rule back on the New
    Formatting Rule dialog box.

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