Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part I: Getting Started with Excel

AutoCorrect allows you to create shorthand abbreviations for text you enter often.

Entering numbers with fractions
Most of the time, you’ll want noninteger values to be displayed with decimal points. But
Excel can also display values with fractions. To enter a fractional value into a cell, leave a
space between the whole number and the fraction. For example, to enter 6 7/8, enter 6 7/8
and then press Enter. When you select the cell, 6.875 appears in the Formula bar, and the
cell entry appears as a fraction. If you have a fraction only (for example, 1/8), you must
enter a zero first, like this—0 1/8—or Excel will likely assume that you’re entering a date.
When you select the cell and look at the Formula bar, you see 0.125. In the cell, you see

Using a form for data entry
Many people use Excel to manage lists in which the information is arranged in rows. Excel
offers a simple way to work with this type of data through the use of a data entry form
that Excel can create automatically. This data form works with either a normal range of
data or a range that has been designated as a table. (Choose Insert ➪ Tables ➪ Table.)
Figure 2.7 shows an example.
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