Chapter 41: Enhancing Power Query Productivity
Right-click the Date column and choose to change the data type to a date format.
- Remove all the columns that you do not need by right-clicking each one and
clicking Remove. (Besides the Date field, the only other columns that you need are
the High, Low, and Close fields.) Alternatively, you can hold down the Ctrl key on
your keyboard, select the columns you want to keep, right-click any of the selected
columns, and then choose Remove Other Columns (see Figure 38.6).
Select the columns you want to keep and then select Remove Other Columns to get
rid of the other columns.
- Ensure that the High, Low, and Close fields are formatted as proper numbers.
To do this, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, select the three columns,
right-click one of the column headings, and then select Change Type ➪ Decimal
Number. After you do this, you may notice that some of the rows show the word
Error. These are rows that contained text values that could not be converted. - Remove the Error rows by selecting Remove Errors from the Column Actions
list (next to the High field), as shown in Figure 38.7.