Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Chapter 2: Entering and Editing Worksheet Data



You can find number formatting commands in the Number group of the Home tab.

TA B L E 2 .1 Number Formatting Keyboard Shortcuts

Key Combination Formatting Applied
Ctrl+Shift+~ General number format (that is, unformatted values)
Ctrl+Shift+$ Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers appear in
red and inside parentheses)
Ctrl+Shift+% Percentage format, with no decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+^ Scientific notation number format, with two decimal places
Ctrl+Shift+# Date format with the day, month, and year
Ctrl+Shift+@ Time format with the hour, minute, and AM or PM
Ctrl+Shift+! Two decimal places, thousands separator, and a hyphen for negative
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