Excel 2019 Bible

(singke) #1

Part VI: Automating Excel

A simple message box, displayed with the VBA MsgBox function

To get a response from a message box, you can assign the result of the MsgBox function
to a variable. The following code uses some built-in constants (described in Table 44.1) to
make it easier to work with the values that are returned by MsgBox:

Sub GetAnswer()
Ans = MsgBox("Continue?", vbYesNo)
Select Case Ans
Case vbYes
' ...[code if Ans is Yes]...
Case vbNo
' ...[code if Ans is No]...
End Select
End Sub

When this procedure is executed, the Ans variable contains a value that corresponds to
vbYes or vbNo. The Select Case statement determines the action to take based on the
value of Ans.

You can easily customize your message boxes because of the flexibility of the buttons
argument. Table 44.1 lists the most common built-in constants that you can use for the
buttons argument. You can specify which buttons to display, whether an icon appears,
and which button is the default.

TA B L E 4 4 .1 Constants Used in the MsgBox Function

Constant Value Description

vbOKOnly (^0) Displays OK button
vbOKCancel (^1) Displays OK and Cancel buttons
vbAbortRetryIgnore (^2) Displays Abort, Retry, and Ignore buttons
vbYesNoCancel (^3) Displays Yes, No, and Cancel buttons
vbYesNo (^4) Displays Yes and No buttons
vbRetryCancel (^5) Displays Retry and Cancel buttons
vbCritical (^16) Displays Critical Message icon

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