Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
my oldest friends has completely uprooted a very set-in-his-ways life
and come to Austin where he is currently developing his own company
and living a totally different paradigm. My brother-in-law is finally
moving into his own home. My sister-in-law and her husband are
moving from the suburbs onto a dream property themselves. My
godniece, who just started high school this year, has already been in a
prime-time TV series and was nominated as Homecoming Queen. And
her mother has just been offered the most lucrative business opportunity
of her life. All this has started and been brought to fruition since
February 2006, when I first heard about Ho’ponopono. Suddenly my
day-to-day living is filled with experiences that are colorful and fun
again after having spent the past 17 years being serious and dreary.
Life is a habit, so I’ve been acquiring the habit of a good life.
I’m not in any way an expert on Ho’oponopono. It is still very
new to me and I will not predict where it leads my life experience. I am
grateful for Dr.Vitale revealing the world of Ho’oponopono through the
presentation that Dr. Hew Len made those short months ago.Whether
it be in my personal life with my beautiful wife or in my business life,
reaching the zero state, 100 percent responsibility, apology, and
forgiveness are powerful choices that have made a powerful impact in my
life.Thank you, Joe, and thank you, Dr. Hew Len.
Bruce Burns

Dear Joe,
I wanted to give you a great big thank-you for bringing Dr. Hew Len to
Austin.The program was wonderful, leaving me filled with new
understanding about life and how universal laws govern our health and
happiness. Please allow me to expand.
First off, I want to say that I am certainly not an expert on the
practice of Ho’oponopono. So please forgive me if I’m reading too much
into what was shared, but here’s what I walked away with after just one
evening’s experience.

The Evidence 97

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