Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
However, I saw that by moving in an entirely different direction, we
could effect the greatest change and the deepest connection with another
human being—and that direction was a circle. For me, Dr. Hew Len’s
diagram showed that by first going to zero—down beneath the conscious
layer of the mind—we can let go of our reactions and attachments to
what we are perceiving.We can then begin to rise up toward the
superconscious state and eventually tap into Divine awareness.The
Divine can carry our clear and loving intention down toward the other
person, basically sneaking in the backdoor of their conscious mind,
allowing for a pure and unfiltered connection and relating.
All I can say is it works like nothing else ever has. For example,
just last week I was in a business meeting and the person on the other
side of the table was asking for things that I initially felt were unfair
and selfish. I caught myself tightening up within, and I remembered the
diagram and the benefit of the circular direction, so I decided to stop
fighting and I just let go.
First I connected to my breath and went to zero. Internally, I felt
my awareness lifting up (just like the qigong exercise that I described
earlier) and my disposition changed immediately. If I had spoken what I
was feeling inside it would have been,“I love and support you. Please
forgive me for being hard with you. How can I help you to feel safe and
help both of us get what we are wanting?”
Next something amazing happened: My friend (I was no longer
seeing the person as an enemy or a threat) began to change, becoming
much more open and receptive as if having stopped struggling with
some internal conflict.Within 15 minutes we even came up with a
solution to our previous dilemma, a solution that was perfect for us
both—and one that I never could have conceived of in my previous
state of mind.
As the mysteries of life unfold, you begin to see how everything is
connected; everything comes from universal laws, and one of those laws is
circles. In the movie The Secret, I remember you said that “the
universe likes speed.” I would like to add that the universe likes circles,

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