Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
no correlation to the reported issues of the clients coming in. As I did so,
the client(s) would report almost instant results for varied issues.
Needless to say, I began to wrestle with my understandings and started
to see a bigger picture of this Hawaiian art form begin to unfold.The
next spring, I attended a full training and began to truly apply the
methods and practices.
One day I received a call from a former client whom I will call J, a
practicing psychologist. She asked me to see a patient of hers whom she
was very concerned about (I will call her F), who had a clinical
diagnosis of bipolar disorder, attempted suicide numerous times, and was
committed on a few occasions for her own safety. I said to J,“What did I
ever do to you?” She laughed and said,“I know you can help her.You
have to. If you don’t, she won’t make it.” So I agreed. At the end of the
call, J also said that F was once attacked by a massage therapist. I asked
myself,“What am I going to do to help this woman?”
When I went home that evening, I sat for a while and wondered
what could I do. How could I effect change on this level? After some
introspection, Ho’oponopono! Ho’oponopono! kept playing in my mind
like a broken record. So I began to use the tools as I never had before. I
put marathon efforts into each session before, during, and well after,
never telling F anything about my secret. During our meetings, the
treatment room was full of humor and the air had a sense of thick peace
to it as I cleaned.To make a long story short, F had a complete
turnaround and is now a productive woman able to handle life as it
comes. She is walking proof that if we take 100 percent responsibility,
situations can indeed shift.
My massage practice also has shifted and has moved ahead, and I
rarely touch anyone anymore. Currently, I find myself driving through
life, hitting speed bumps now and then, amazed at where the cleaning
will bring me next. Has it been simple? No, but I truly value all the
situations that have come up and made me realize who I am.
After many years as a volunteer for the Foundation of I, Inc.
Freedom of the Cosmos, my viewpoint is simple:

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