Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
There will always be stuff coming up in one form or another, be it
family issues, stress, opinions, or war, and in the beginning it was hard to
accept that fact. Now instead of saying “Why me?” (inducing a guilt
response), rather I say “I am responsible” (without guilt), and simply let
go through the usage of the tools and let God take over.
It is a tough, tough job to do.Did I say tough? But I have
faith that a smoothness is occurring and that we just can’t grasp the
totality of it, because there are so many realities that coexist in the same
time frame as ours.We should not waste time with the how, why, or
when, rather just the “do.”
By doing so, we get out of the way of ourselves. As soon as we step
outside of ourselves at all, in any manner, to blame, react, moan, groan,
and so on, we lose sight of the issue at hand—namely, our chance to let
go of the problem that is inside of us. If we blame, we become
disconnected (like not paying our cable bill, zap! no HBO).
The choice for us is to not get all self-righteous, nor depressed, but
simply to continue on without judgment against the most precious
gift—the self.
If I slip up in the cleaning, I get up, brush myself off, and begin
anew—one more chance to see the proof of the pudding.
Thank you.
Brian Om Collins

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