Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
“This is a cleaning tool,” Dr. Hew Len said after looking at it a
few moments. “You can clean memories and negativity by swiping
your business card over things, or people, or yourself.”
Whether he’s right or not, I sure felt better about my card and
was more than willing to pass it out to people. I instantly waved the
card over my body, to clean any negativity around me. Dr. Hew Len
smiled and laughed.
Dr. Hew Len said the company logo for the Panoz car, an origi-
nal crest with a yin-yang swirl and a three-leaf clover in it, was also a
cleaning tool. He stared at the bright red, white, and blue colors and
the green clover in it, and said it was a powerful symbol for cleaning,
too. Since I love my Panoz and drive it a fair amount, thinking that it
was cleaning me as I sat behind the wheel made me smile.
And the most beautiful thing about my business card is that it

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