Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
I spent two days hearing stories about cleaning by average peo-
ple like you and me. But it’s all so hard to accept. Just clean and say “I
love you” and the world changes? You sell more cars? You make more
money? Huh?
“You are totally responsible for all of it,” says Dr. Hew Len. “It’s
all in you. All of it. No exceptions.You have to clean on it or it doesn’t
get cleaned.”
Clean on terrorism?
Clean. Clean. Clean.
Clean on the economy?
Clean. Clean. Clean.
Clean on—(fill in the blank)?
Clean. Clean. Clean.
“If it’s in your experience, it’s up to you to clean,” says Dr. Hew

When I take a break and call home to see how Nerissa and our pets
are doing, Nerissa stuns me by saying she spent the day making a
surprise for me. She had a long to-do list. Making anything for me
didn’t seem likely.
“What is it?” I ask.
“A major surprise.”
“Tell me.”
“You’ll never guess in a million years,” she says.
“Don’t make me guess. I don’t have a million years.”
Before I tell you what she said, let me back up a second. Nerissa
has been stressed because of so many projects on her plate. She can’t
keep up. She’s working on a video for me, and another for a client.
She created software she wants to promote. She also has the critters
and the house to tend to while I’m away.She barely has time to plan
her day, let alone work on her many projects. So imagine my surprise
when she told me the following:
“I took apart your closet and rebuilt it.”

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