Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
Clean. Clean. Clean.
I’m stunned. Cleaning my closet was not on her to-do list or
even on mine.
“I took down all your clothes, took down the shelves, built new
shelves, rehung your clothes, put your piled-up clothes on hangers,
and rearranged the clothes that were on the floor.”
This is as shocking to me as if she had left a check for me made
out for, say, five million dollars.
This was unbelievable.
“What made you do all this?” I asked.
“I’ve wanted to do it for a while now,” she replied.
She wanted to do it? Maybe so. But she had no time. This came
out of the blue.
Dr. Hew Len says when you clear memories, what comes through
is inspiration. Nerissa was apparently inspired to clean my closet. It’s a
metaphor and proof that inner cleaning leads to outer results.
You can’t intend what the outer results will be.
Again, you can choose but you can’t decide.

Later, in Dr. Hew Len’s motel room, he and I sit like master and dis-
ciple.The only thing is, he treats me like the master.
“Joseph, you are one of God’s original 10.”
“I am?”
I’m flattered but admit I have no idea what he is talking about.
“You came here to help awaken the Divine in people,” he ex-
plains.“Your writing is hypnotic. It is your gift. But there’s more.”
Clean. Clean. Clean.
“You are the J man for business,” he says. “Do you know what
that is?”
I don’t have a clue and tell him so.
“You are the Jesus of business,” he says, “the point man for

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