Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
reminding me of the way Home. I am eternally grateful to the Divine,
to you, and to all the children who help you do this work of teaching.
What follows is a testimonial of sorts in response to the workshop.
It is a sharing for those who might wonder about the power of
Ho’oponopono. If it would be helpful to share, please do. If not of
interest, discard and may my gratitude to all be sufficient.
Deep heartfelt thanks to you all.
May God grant you all peace, wisdom, health, and a long life in
which to clean and come Home.
Much, much love and blessings,
Dana Hayne
Testimonial of Philadelphia Ho’oponopono Gathering
Dr. Hew Len began the workshop with a lecture and drawings. He
laid out the cosmology of Ho’oponopono. He asked us,“Who are you?
Do you know?”Together we explored the incredible, eternal, limitless,
total, complete, empty, zero reality of our true Selves from which all peace
emanates.“Home” he called it.We then explored with him the nature of
“What is a problem?”“Have you ever noticed,” he asked,“that wherever
there is a problem, you are there? Does that tell you anything?” Like old
Socrates, he engaged us in the process, coaxing questions and answers.
Little did I know that Dr. Hew Len was deftly exhuming these hidden
memories and judgments for cleaning and transformation.
Caught in the net, I raised my hand, asked questions, and made
comments. However, as the days went by, it began to feel to me as though
every time I asked Dr. Hew Len a question, he put me down. I felt
“dissed.” Each answer burned me and I felt publicly shamed and
By Sunday morning, I was so angry with Dr. Hew Len I wanted
to leave. I judged him as arrogant, controlling, and dominating. I sat
there stewing, angry, ready to cry.
I was so angry, I wanted to leave. Unsure whether I was going to
bail or not, I did get up and go to the bathroom, afraid I would start

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