Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1

  1. The unit staff was more involved in supporting patients to
    be 100 percent responsible for themselves.

  2. The turnaround time for patients from admission to leaving
    the hospital was greatly reduced to months instead of

  3. The quality of life for both patients and staff shifted
    dramatically from being custodial to one of family, people
    caring for one another.
    What did I do for my part as the unit staff psychologist? I did the Self
    Identity through Ho’oponopono process of repentance, forgiveness,
    and transmutation for whatever was going on in me that I
    experienced consciously and unconsciously as problemsbefore,
    during, and afterleaving the unit each time.
    I did not do any therapy or counseling with patients on the unit.
    I did not attend any staff conferences on patients.
    I took 100 percent responsibility for myself to clean with the stuff in
    me that caused me problems as staff psychologist.
    I am a creation of the I AM, perfect, as is with everyone and
    everything. What is imperfect is the c_ p, the memories that react,
    replay as judgment, resentment, anger, irritation, and God knows the
    rest of the s
    _t that is carried in the Soul.
    Peace of I,
    Ihaleakala Hew Len, PhD, Chairman Emeritus
    The Foundation of I, Inc. Freedom of the Cosmos
    Though I was still learning ho’oponopono, I sometimes taught it
    to others if I felt they were open to hear about it. Of course, their be-
    ing open was a reflection of me, not them.The clearer I became, the
    clearer the people around me became. But that’s a tough fact to ac-
    cept. It’s so much easier to want to change the outer than the inner.

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