Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
“They are into blame. As they grow and become more aware, they
begin to consider that they are responsible for what they say and do.
Beyond that, as you become even more aware, you can begin to real-
ize that you are responsible for what everyonesays or does, simply be-
cause they are in your experience. If you create your own reality,
then you created all you see, even the parts you don’t like.”
The realtor was smiling, nodding his head.
I kept talking.
“It doesn’t matter what the buyer or seller does in this situation,”
I said. “It matters what youdo.What Dr. Hew Len does is simply re-
peat ‘I love you,’ ‘I’m sorry,’ ‘Please forgive me,’ and ‘Thank you.’ He
doesn’t say it to the people, he says it to the Divine. The idea is to
clear the shared energy.”
“I’ll do this,” the realtor said.
“But you don’t do it to get something,” I went on. “You do it
because it’s how we clear the shared energy so no one has to experi-
ence it again, ever. It’s a cleansing, and you never stop doing it.”
I paused.
The realtor seemed to get it. His eyes were wide and his smile
was big.
“If it comes up in your awareness,” I continued, “then it’s up for
you to clean and heal. Since you brought this situation of the buyer
and seller to myattention, then I have to clean on it, too. It’s now part
of my life experience. If I’m the creator of my experience, then this is
something I’m responsible for, too.”
I let all of this sink in as we continued our drive to look at other
homes in Maui.
A few days later I received an e-mail from the realtor. He said he
was continuing to use the Dr. Hew Len process.
That’s how it works.
It’s all love.
It’s continuous.
And you’re totally responsible.

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