Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
One day I taught a seminar with Mindy Hurt, who runs the Wim-
berley, Texas, Unity Church. It was called “The Secret of Money.”
Later in it, I taught everyone the ho’oponopono method of cleaning.
Afterward one gentleman came up and said,“I have a problem saying
‘I’m sorry’ and ‘Please forgive me.’ ”
“Why?” I asked.
I had never heard this before. I was curious.
“I can’t imagine a loving God or Divinity who needs my asking
for forgiveness,” he said. “I don’t think the Divine has to forgive me
for anything.”
I thought about it and later knew the reply I should have
given him:
“You aren’t saying those statements to be forgiven by the Divin-
ity; you’re saying them to clean yourself.You say them toDivinity but
they are to clean you.”
In other words, the Divine is already showering love on you. It
has never stopped. At the zero state, where there are zero limits, the
closest we can describe it is as a state of pure love. It’s there. But
you’re not. So by saying, “I love you, I’m sorry, please forgive me,
thank you,” you are cleaning the programs in youthat are preventing
you being at the pure state: love.
Again, the Divine doesn’t need you to do ho’oponopono; but
youneed to do it.

Recently I received a heart-wrenching e-mail from a dear friend of
mine. She asked:
“What would you say to someone who has been reading your
book, who watched The Secret, who reads your blog every day, who
does her best, yet is still broke, unhappy, and failing? I keep having
problem after problem. It never ends.What would you say?”
I felt her pain.After all, at one point I was homeless. I struggled in
poverty for a decade. My “overnight” success probably took 20 years
to occur. I know what it’s like to feel like you’re stuck in quicksand.

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