Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
tude, reverence, and transmutation. I went on to explain what I
thought was happening.
“The phrases I say are like the magic words that open the com-
bination lock to the universe.When I recite the phrases, which come
out like a poem, I am opening myself to the Divine cleaning me and
erasing all the programs preventing me from being here now.”
Dr. Hew Len said he liked how I described the ho’oponopono
method of clearing.
“Saying someone caught a virus is accurate,” he said. “It’s a pro-
gram that is in the world and we catch it.When someone has it and
you notice it, then you have it, too. The idea is to take 100 percent
responsibility. When you clean yourself, you clean the program from
everyone.” He paused and added, “But there are a lot of programs.
They are like weeds on zero. To get at zero limits, we have more
cleaning to do than you could ever imagine.”
The ladies seemed to understand, which surprised me. We were
talking about mind-bending concepts, yet they seemed to relate to
them. I couldn’t help but wonder if they were simply tuning in to
Dr. Hew Len’s vibe, much like a tuning fork sets a tone for every-
thing around it that can feel its note.

Dr. Hew Len and I went for a walk. It was a half-mile stroll in the
cool morning air on a dusty gravel road. Along the way deer walked
around us. At one point we came across a group of dogs barking
their heads off at us, but we kept talking and walking. Suddenly Dr.
Hew Len waved his hand at them, as if to bless them, and said, “We
love you.”
The dogs stopped barking.
“All any of us want is to be loved,” he said. “You, me, even the
One small dog behind the others gave out a slight yip. I couldn’t
stop thinking he was saying,“Right on” or maybe “Thank you.”
Or even,“I love you, too.”

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