Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
Our conversations were always stimulating. At one point Dr. Hew
Len blew my head off by explaining that the only choice in life is to
clean or not.
“You’re coming from either memory or inspiration,” he explained.
“That’s it.”
I replied, “I’ve always told people that they have the choice to
come from inspiration or not. That’s free will. The Divine sends a
message and you can act on it or not. If you do, all is well. If you
don’t, you may have problems.”
“Your choice is to clean or not,” he said. “If you are clear, then
when inspiration comes, you just act.You don’t think about it. If you
think about it, then you are comparing the inspiration to something,
and what you are comparing it to is a memory. Clean the memory
and you don’t have choice.You just have inspiration and you act on it
without thinking. It just is.”
Whew! That insight truly shook me. I felt bad that I’ve been
writing and speaking about choice being free will and now I learn
that free will means you are still stuck in memory. When you are at
the zero state and there are zero limits, you don’t do anything but
what is there for you to do.That’s it.
“It’s like we are in a grand symphony,” Dr. Hew Len explained.
“Each of us has an instrument to play. I have one, too.Your readers
have theirs. None are the same. In order for the concert to play and
everyone to enjoy it, they need to play their part and not another’s.
We get into trouble when we don’t pick up our instrument or we
think someone has a better one.That’s memory.”
I began to see that a concert has stagehands, promoters, and
cleaning crew. Everyone has a role.
I also reflected on the different people I knew who seemed
clueless to their own method of success.There’s James Caan, the fa-
mous actor from The Godfatherand the TV series Las Vegas. I’ve met
him several times. His stardom is as much a mystery to him as it is

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