Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
to you or me. He’s a brilliant actor, even legendary. But all he’s do-
ing is being himself. He’s playing his part in the universe’s script.
The same could be said for me. Some people who meet me act
like I’m some sort of guru. If they’ve seen me in the movie The Secret
or read any of my books, especially The Attractor Factor, they think I’m
plugged into God’s hotline. The truth is, I’m just playing my instru-
ment in the concert of life.
When you play your role and I play my role, the world works. It’s
when you try to be me or I try to be you that problems arise.
“Who set up all these roles?” I asked Dr. Hew Len.
“Divinity,” he said.“Zero.”
“When was it set up?”
“Long before you and I ever showed up as even an amoeba.”
“Does that mean there is no free will at all? That we’re just stuck
in our roles?”
“You have total free will,” he said. “You’re creating as you are
breathing, but to live from zero you must let go of all memories to be
I have to admit I didn’t fully understand all of this. But the part I
did get was that it’s my job to play my instrument. If I play mine,
then I am a piece of the puzzle of life that found its slot. But if I try
to fit myself into another area of the board, I won’t fit, and the entire
picture will be off.
“Your conscious mind will try to understand it all,” Dr. Hew Len
clarified. “But your conscious mind is aware of only 15 bits of infor-
mation while there are 15 million bits happening all the time.Your
conscious mind doesn’t have a clue what’s really happening.”
That wasn’t very comforting.
At least not to my conscious mind.

As I mentioned earlier, I taught a seminar one day called “The Secret
of Money.” I told everyone that they will have money if they are

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