Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
wrote about in my book There’s a Customer Born Every Minute, knew
this. He took action. He did things on a grand scale. But he was al-
ways obeying some higher order. His gravestone marker reads, “Not
my will but thine be done.”
He acted on his ideas without interference from his mind, and he
allowed the results to be what they were, trusting that it was all part of
the universe’s bigger picture. He was able to let go whiletaking action.
And that’s step five in my book,The Attractor Factor.
Tonight I have the world figured out. (I think.)
Tomorrow I’m not so sure.
I long for comic books again.

“Everyone has a gift,” Dr. Hew Len told me on one of our walks.
“What about Tiger Woods?” I asked, knowing the answer but
wanting to lead to a deeper question.
“He’s playing his role in the Divine play.”
“But what about when he starts to teach others how to play golf?”
“He’ll never succeed,” Dr. Hew Len said.“His role is playing golf,
not teaching golf.That’s someone else’s role.We each have our part.”
“Even a janitor?”
“Yes! There are janitors and garbage collectors who love their
work,” he said. “You don’t think so because you are imagining play-
ing their roles. But they can’t play your role, either.”
I suddenly remembered a line from an old self-improvement
course: “If God told you what to do, you’d do it and be happy. Well,
what you are doing is what God wants you to do.”
The point is not to resist your role. I might long to be a song-
writer like Michelle Malone, or an actor like James Caan, or a body-
builder like Frank Zane, or a writer like Jack London. I might even
get pretty good at writing songs, or acting, or working out, or writ-
ing novels. But myrole is inspirator. I write books to awaken people,
or to be exact, to awaken me.
As I awaken me, I awaken you.

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