Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
storehouse of programs in your mind. As you clean, the thoughts that
arise get more positive and productive and even loving.”
“I still think all of this is batty,” he said.
“I’ll clean on that,” I replied.

Most likely he never got it. But if I’m to get to zero limits, I have to
take total responsibility for him not getting it. His memory is my
memory. His program is my program.The very fact that he voiced it
to me means I share it with him. So, as I get clear of it, so will he.
As I’m writing this, I’m saying “I love you” in my thoughts, behind
the words, behind the typing, behind the computer, behind the
scenes. My saying “I love you” as I work, write, read, play, talk, or
think is my attempt to do nonstop cleaning, erasing, and clearing of
anything and everything between me and zero.
Can you feel the love?

One morning Dr. Hew Len said he saw a logo for me containing a
four-leaf clover.“The fourth pedal is gold, like a tongue,” he said.
He spent several minutes describing what he was seeing in his mind,
or in the air. I’m not sure where he was getting his impression. Nei-
ther was he.
“You need to find an artist to sketch the logo for you,” he said.
Later we went for a walk into town.We had lunch and then vis-
ited a few shops. The first shop contained stained glass art. We were
both impressed. As we admired the shopkeeper’s handiwork, she said,
“If you ever need a logo or a sketch, we can draw it for you.”
Dr. Hew Len grinned and leaned in my direction, as I grinned
and leaned in his. Coming from zero meant synchronicity happened.
While I was writing this section of the book, I had to stop to be
interviewed for another movie.This one is like The Secretbut focused
on getting healthy with your thoughts. I began the interview by say-
ing thoughts weren’t as important as no thoughts. I tried to explain
the zero limits state of being, where you allow the Divine to heal

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