Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
I loved his perfectly honest answer. Again and again, his theme is
that nothing is outside of us.When most people pray, they act like they
have no power or responsibility. But in ho’oponopono, you are totally
responsible.The “prayer” is to ask for forgiveness for whatever is in you
that caused the outer circumstance.The prayer is a reconnecting to the
Divine.The rest is trusting the Divine to heal you. As you heal, so does
the outer. Everything, without exception, is inside you.
Larry Dossey said it well in his book,Healing Words:“We need to
recall at these times that prayer, in its function as a bridge to the Ab-
solute,has no failure rate. It works 100 percent of the time—unless we
prevent this realization by remaining oblivious to it.”
One thing bothered me about my work with Dr. Hew Len.
As I kept growing and having insights, I worried that all my pre-
vious books were wrong and were going to mislead people. In The
Attractor Factor, for example, I praised the power of intention. Now,
years after writing that book, I knew intention is a fool’s game, an
ego’s toy, and that the real source of power is inspiration. I also now
knew that agreeing to life is the great secret to happiness, not con-
trolling life. Too many people, myself included, were visualizing and
affirming in order to manipulate the world. I now knew that isn’t
necessary. You’re better off going with the flow while constantly
cleaning whatever comes up.
I began to feel like Neville Goddard must have felt. Neville is
one of my favorite mystical writers. His early books were about cre-
ating your own reality by turning “feeling into fact.” He called it “the
law” in such books as The Law and the Promise. “The law” referred to
your ability to influence the world with feeling. “The promise” re-
ferred to surrendering to God’s will for you.
Neville began his career by teaching people how to get what
they want with what he called “awakened imagination.” The short
description of that phrase refers to Neville’s favorite quote, “Imagin-
ing creates reality.” His very first book was titled At Your Command,
which I later updated. In it he explained that the world is indeed “at

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