Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
I loved this further clarification. While it revealed a humbleness
on Dr. Hew Len’s part, it also helped explain what he did and did not
do while employed at the hospital.
I wrote him back and asked for his permission to include the e-
mail here, to share it with you. He wrote back one word—the one I
expected him to write:“Yes.”

I’m not done with what I can learn from this amazing man. We de-
cided we would begin to lead seminars together and of course be co-
authors of this book. But at least now I had the complete story on
how he helped heal an entire ward of mentally ill criminals. He did it
like he does everything: by working on himself. And the way he
works on himself is with three simple words:“I love you.”
This is the same process you and I can do, too, of course. If I had
to sum up the modernized Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono
method that Dr. Hew Len teaches in a few short steps, it might look
like this:

  1. Continuously clean.

  2. Take action on ideas and opportunities that come your way.

  3. Continuously clean.

That’s it. It may be the shortest route to success ever created. It
might be the path of least resistance. It might be the most direct
route to the zero state. And it all begins and ends with one magical
phrase:“I love you.”
That’sthe way to enter the zone of zero limits.
And yes,I love you.

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