Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
brain turned on and lit up. Now my eyes see, if I let them. I told Dr.
Hew Len, “Everything seems to talk to me. Everything seems alive.”
He smiled knowingly.
By the time of my second Beyond Manifestation weekend, I had
another satori experience. Satori is a glimpse of enlightenment, a
taste of the Divine. It’s as though a window slides opens and for a
moment you merge with the source of life. It’s as difficult to explain
as describing a flower from another planet. But by seeing that I could
disappear and experience zero limits transformed me. I have that ex-
perience as a touchstone. I can recall it and return to it. On one level
this is wonderful, as it’s my ticket back to bliss. But on another level
this is just another memory, keeping me from experiencing this mo-
ment. All I can do is keep cleaning.
Sometimes when I’m in a meeting, I’ll relax and unfocus my
eyes, and I’ll be able to see the truth behind a situation. It’s as though
time stops or at least slows down.What I then perceive is the under-
lying tapestry of life. It’s a little like peeling off the top level of a
painting to find a masterpiece under it. Call it psychic vision, X-ray
vision, or Divine sight. I’d say that “Joe Vitale” (and even “Ao Akua”)
disappears into the zero state, or my eyes perceive it. There are zero
limits.There just is. At that place, there’s no confusion. It’s all clarity.
I don’t live in that state. I still come back to so-called reality. I still
have challenges.When Larry King asked me if I had a bad day, I said
yes. I still do. Dr. Hew Len said we would always have problems. But
ho’oponopono is a problem-solving technique.As long as I keep say-
ing “I love you” to the Divine and I keep cleaning, I return to the
place of zero limits.
The signal from zero is, if we try to put words on it, “love.” So
saying “I love you” nonstop helps us tune in. Repeating it helps neu-
tralize the memories, programs, beliefs, and limitations that are in the
way of your own awakening. As I keep cleaning, I keep tuning in to
pure inspiration. As I act on that inspiration, better miracles than I
could have ever imagined take place. All I have to do is keep at it.

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