Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1


ack in my home outside of Austin, Texas, I couldn’t shake the
story of the therapist who cured people without seeing them.
What was his method? Who was he? Was the story a hoax?
Because of my 20-some years in personal development, mostly
chronicled in my books Adventures Withinand The Attractor Factor,it
shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that I needed to know more. I’ve
always been curious. I spent seven years with a controversial guru. I
interviewed self-help mentors and sages, authors and speakers, mys-
tics and magicians of the mind. Because of the success of my current
books, I could now call many of the leading experts in the field of
human development my friends. But I couldn’t shake the story of
this therapist.This was different.This was a breakthrough.
I needed to know more.
So I again went searching. In the past I’ve hired private detectives
to locate missing people. I did it when I wrote about advertising ge-
nius Bruce Barton for my book The Seven Lost Secrets of Success.I was
ready to hire a professional to find Dr. Hew Len, too, when an odd
thing happened.


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