Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
top of the bottle or wrap the top in cellophane. Place the bottle in the
sun or under an incandescent lamp for at least one hour. Drink the
water; rinse your body with the water after bathing or showering. Use
the Blue Solar Water to cook with, wash your clothes with, and for
whatever you use water for. You can make your coffee or hot
chocolate with Blue Solar Water.
Your e-mail has the feel of elegant simpleness, a gift beyond
Perhaps we can visit again as a fellow traveler clearing our way
I wish you Peace beyond all understanding.
Peace of I,
While I enjoyed the peacefulness of his message, I was left want-
ing more. Was this how he gave consultations? Was this how he
healed those people in the mental hospital? If so, something was seri-
ously missing. I doubt that most people would have accepted his e-
mail as the final verdict on a weight loss issue. Telling me, “You’re
fine” isn’t exactly a solution to anything.
I wrote back, asking for more information. Here’s what he wrote
in reply:
Peace begins with me.
My problems are memories replaying in my subconscious. My
problems have nothing to do with anyone or anyplace or any
situation. They are what Shakespeare so poetically noted in one of his
sonnets as “fore-bemoanèd moans.”
When I experience memories replaying problems, I have choice. I
can stay engaged to them or I can petition Divinity to free them up
through transmutation, thus restoring my mind to its original state of

16 Zero Limits

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