Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
in 1945 and later published a series of books, one of the most popu-
lar being The Secret Science Behind Miracles. While fascinating, Long’s
work had nothing to do with the therapist I was investigating. As I
was beginning to learn, the therapist was practicing something Long
had never heard of, at least not in the way Dr. Hew Len practiced it.
As I kept reading and learning, my curiosity deepened. I could
hardly wait for the day I would fly out and meet the healer himself.

I flew out to Los Angeles, met with Mark, and went to Calabasa, Cal-
ifornia. Mark showed me Los Angeles before doing so, and we had a
great time. But we both wanted to meet the man we had heard so
much about. While Mark and I had stimulating and deep conversa-
tions over breakfast, what we both wanted was the seminar.
When we went to the event room, we found a line of about 30
people. I kept trying to stand on my toes so I could see over every-
one’s head. I wanted to see the healer. I wanted to see the mystery
man. I wanted to see Dr. Hew Len. When I finally made it to the
door, Dr. Hew Len greeted me.
“Aloha, Joseph,” he said, extending his hand. He was soft-spoken
yet with charisma and authority. He wore Dockers, sneakers, an open
shirt, and a business jacket. He also wore a baseball cap, which I later
learned is his trademark.
“Aloha, Mark,” he said to my friend.
There was small talk as he asked about our flight, how long it
took to get from Texas to Los Angeles, and so on. I loved this man in-
stantly. Something about his quiet confidence and grandfatherly style
of being made me resonate with him.
Dr. Hew Len likes to start on time. As soon as the event began,
he called on me.
“Joseph, when you delete something from your computer, where
does it go?”
“I have no idea,” I replied. Everyone laughed. I’m sure they had
no idea, either.

30 Zero Limits

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