Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
Apparently a clear intention is nothing more than a clear
The thing that troubles me is this: Where did the thought come

This is mind-blowing. Since I wrote about the power of intention in
my book The Attractor Factor, and since I spoke about it in the movie
The Secret, coming to realize intentions aren’t my choice at all was a
shock. It appears that what I thought I was doing when I set an in-
tention was simply verbalizing an impulse already in motion from
my brain.
The question then becomes, what or who made my brain send
the intention? In fact, I later asked Dr. Hew Len,“Who’s in charge?”
He laughed and said he loved the question.
Well, what’s the answer?

I confess I was still confused about intentions. I lost 80 pounds by be-
ing mentally tough and asserting my intention to lose weight. So was
I declaring an intention or just responding to my brain’s signal to lose
weight? Was it an inspiration or a memory? I wrote and asked Dr.
Hew Len. He replied, saying:

Nothing exists at Zero, Ao Akua, no problems, including the need for
Weight concerns are simply memories replaying, and these
memories displace Zero, you. To return to Zero, you, requires Divinity
erasing memories behind weight concerns.
Only two laws dictate experiences: Inspiration from Divinity and
Memory stored in the Subconscious Mind, the former Brand-New and
the latter Old.
Jesus is purported to have said: “Seek ye first the Kingdom (Zero)
and all else will be added (Inspiration).”

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