Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
the event a gentleman said he saw a portal open in a wall and dead
people float through it.
“Do you know why you are seeing that?” Dr. Hew Len asked.
“Because we had talked about spirits earlier,” someone said.
“Exactly,” Dr. Hew Len acknowledged. “You attracted them by
talking about them. You don’t want to look into other worlds. You
have enough to do to stay in this moment in this world.”
I didn’t see any spooks. I didn’t know what to make of those
who did. I liked the movie The Sixth Sense, but as a movie. I didn’t
want spirits showing up and talking to me.

Apparently this is normal for Dr. Hew Len, however. He told the
story of working at the mental hospital and hearing toilets flush at
midnight—all by themselves.
“The place was filled with spirits,” he said. “Many patients died
in the ward in previous years but didn’t know they were dead. They
were still there.”
Still there using the bathroom?
Apparently so.
But if that weren’t odd enough, Dr. Hew Len went on to ex-
plain that if you ever talk to someone and notice their eyes are al-
most all white with a cloudy film around the edges, then they are
“Don’t even try to talk to them,” he advised. “Instead, just clean
yourself and hope your clearing will remove the darkness taking
them over.”
I’m a pretty open-minded guy, but this talk of spirits and pos-
sessed souls and ghosts who use the toilet at night was a bit much for
even me. Still, I hung in there. I wanted to know the ultimate secrets
to healing so I could help myself and others to wealth, health, and
happiness. I just never expected I’d have to walk through the invisible
world and enter the twilight zone to get there.

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