Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
So shalt thou feed on Death, that feeds on men,
And Death once dead, there’s no more dying then.
Peace be with you,


When Dr. Hew Len arrived in Austin and I picked him up, he
immediately started asking me questions about my life.
“The book you wrote about your life (referring to Adventures
Within) shows you did a wide variety of things to find peace,” he be-
gan.“Which one really works?”
I thought about it and said they all had value but maybe the Op-
tion Process was the most useful and reliable. I explained it’s a way to
question beliefs to find out what is real.
“When you question beliefs, what are you left with?”
“What are you left with?” I repeated. “You’re left with a clarity
about choice.”
“Where’s that clarity coming from?” he asked.
I wasn’t sure what he was getting at.
“Why can a person be wealthy and still be an ass?” he suddenly
asked me.
I was taken by surprise with the question. I wanted to explain
that wealth and “ass” aren’t exclusive. There’s nothing written that
says only angels are wealthy. Maybe the obnoxious person is clear
about money, so he can be wealthy and still be a cuss. But I couldn’t
find the words in the moment.
“I have no idea,” I confessed. “I don’t think you have to change
your personality to be wealthy.You just have to have beliefs that ac-
cept wealth.”
“Where do those beliefs come from?” he asked.
Having been in his training, I knew enough to answer,“They are
programs people pick up from living.”

I Love You 61

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