Zero Limits ( PDFDrive )

(The Reality Seeker) #1
He again changed the subject by saying I am truly a hypnotic
writer. He was beginning to entertain the idea of a book by me
about ho’oponopono.
“Are you ready for me to write the book now?” I asked.
“Let’s see how the weekend goes,” he said.
“Speaking of that, how are we doing this dinner?” I asked. I’ve
always wanted to control the situation to be sure I do well and peo-
ple get what they want.
“I never plan,” he said.“I trust Divinity.”
“But are you going to speak first, or me, or what? And do you
have an introduction you want me to read for you?”
“We’ll see,” he said.“Don’t plan.”
This made me uncomfortable. I like to know what’s expected of
me. Dr. Hew Len was pushing me into the darkness. Or maybe to
the light. I wasn’t sure at that time. He went on to say something
more wise than I knew at the time:
“What we humans are unaware of in our moment-to-moment
existence is a constant, incessant resistance to life,” he began. “This
resistance keeps us in a constant, incessant state of displacement from
our Self I-Dentity and from Freedom, Inspiration, and above all else
the Divine Creator itself. Simply put, we are displaced people wan-
dering aimlessly in the desert of our minds. We are unable to heed
the precept of Jesus Christ, ‘Resist not.’ We are not aware of another
precept,‘Peace begins with me.’
“Resistance keeps us in a constant state of anxiety and spiritual,
mental, physical, financial, and material impoverishment,” he added.
“Unlike Shakespeare, we are unaware that we are in a constant state
of resistance instead of flow. For each bit of consciousness we experi-
ence at least one million bits unconsciously.And the one bit is useless
for our salvation.”
This was going to be one fascinating evening.
He asked to see the room where we would be holding the dinner. It
was a huge ballroom on the top floor of a downtown Austin, Texas,

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